Djon Djon
1206 Nostrand Ave., New York 11225 Itinéraire
Cuisine antillaise,Cuisine régionale

Informations complémentaires

  • Cuisine antillaise
  • Cuisine régionale
  • Air conditionné
  • Accès handicapés
  • Repas en terrasse

Informations pratiques


Located in an area known to some as "Little Caribbean," this spot is warm and welcoming. If the vibe doesn't transport folks to the islands, the enticing carte will certainly do the trick. The artistic façade is a thing of beauty, while the interior is simple and functional.
This kitchen team may be found preparing such venerable staples as the squash-based soup joumou, seasoned with epis and bobbing with vegetables. Pate kode features a unique twist on the empanada, stuffed with cod fish and served with pikliz; while kabrit boukkanen brings tender goat over mixed greens and an onion-pepper medley. Skip dessert and stick with the non-alcoholic sips for a bit of tropical fun.


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