Wilde Klosterküche
Bahnhofstraße 18, 15898 Neuzelle Itinéraire
Cuisine du marché,Cuisine créative

Informations complémentaires

  • Cuisine du marché
  • Cuisine créative
  • Parking
  • Accès handicapés
  • Repas en terrasse
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Informations pratiques


This restaurant is located near the 13C Cistercian monastery with its Baroque church. The ambience is chic and modern, the kitchen partly visible. The food is carefully cooked and replete with flavour, and dishes reflect seasonal produce and ingredients that are mainly sourced from the region. A vegan option is also available by prior booking. Tip: They serve gin that they produce themselves. Guestrooms for an overnight stay in the separately run Klosterhotel.


  • Itinéraire à partir de ce lieu
  • Itinéraire vers ce lieu
  • Itinéraire passant par ce lieu
  • Hôtels et hébergements à proximité
  • Restaurants à proximité