via Manie 67, 17024 Finale Ligure Itinéraire
Cuisine ligurienne,Cuisine classique

Informations complémentaires

  • Cuisine ligurienne
  • Cuisine classique
  • Parking
  • Repas en terrasse
  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • Maestro

Informations pratiques


Decorated in the same simple and rustic style as the Hotel Rosita in which it is housed, this restaurant boasts an attractive terrace overlooking the sea and the coast (call in advance to book one of the tables with the best view), which more than compensates for the narrow, winding road that you have to follow to get here. The delicious cuisine is regional in flavour, including seafood options such as the excellent stuffed baby squid in a sauce served with mashed potatoes, and meat dishes that include a tasty rabbit casserole.


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